Communicating with R Markdown Workshop
A workshop for R Markdown users who want to get more out of R Markdown (and friends).
Events I have been invited to present at, shared along with slides, videos, and other linkable resources.
A workshop for R Markdown users who want to get more out of R Markdown (and friends).
In this talk, Alison will talk about one plot’s life cycle, from a sad Powerpoint slide to an Excel chart and finally to the finished product made with the ggplot2 package in R. Along the way, she will discuss why each version of the plot fails in different ways and how each iteration improved on the last one. Latest event This talk was most recently given at the University of South Wales on 2019/10/04.
Using R Markdown in an end-to-end workflow to go from data to manuscript
Data science educators have a unique opportunity to teach students the skills they need in their future careers. We know that practical skills matter, like being able to wrangle, explore, analyze, and visualize data (preferably using code), but what is easy to overlook is teaching students how to communicate about data science with other people. Being able to communicate about data, code, and insights gained are important skills we can strengthen in the classroom to make a real impact on students.
Putting the finishing touches on your blogdown site